The scary story XD
Waaaa exam dah gilee~ hahaha. OMG. ntah kenapa hrni nk cecite pasal ujian . wooo sucks! futhermore lah kan, with my unprepared thingy~ i answered all the questions ~ Luckily i haven't give a blank on my paper accepts for my Physics, and Agama, and Civil . hohoo~ but not to many about 1 or 2 question, mostly i had blanked the subjects with 1 questions. ngahahaha.Yesterday : i got Chemistry , Bahasa Melayu , Bahasa Inggeris , Lukisan Kejuruteraan papersall the papers that i took , was berjalan really lancar, but until LK , DAMN! i was like
oh nO! what should I do~ the time really short!! my friends from Negeri Sembilan said , that her LK paper , 7 Question 2Hours! What the heck?! my teacher really cruel. actually LUCKILY I had finished my paper~ but it was really messy and not really accurate becoz of the teacher was like, " I Said Stop Drawing!" OMG i was scared like death on that time . What should i do~
U knw my LK teacher was like, her mulut really got no insurance~Today : i got Agama , Math Mode, civil , PhysicsToday was unluckyday of exams. I tak payah nk bgtau pun! nyampah lersss~ CIVIL aku rase cam nak BAKO JE!! xD . hahaha Hussin~ blablabla physics. tunggu kene bebel sama itu guru. okay tu je nk cakap. takde mood bile pikir balek =.=
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